“Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rests the cornerstones of freedom,
democracy and Sustainable human development…” (Kofi Annan)
AYICAW believes in the right of every child regardless of circumstance or disability; to quality education.
Education tailored to the specific needs of each child and that prepares them in all ramifications to take on the world.
We believe in a complete and integrated learning system that secures the educational, mental, social and emotional well-being of every child that will enable them live fully functional, fulfilled lives that offers unique qualities to the global society at large.
Our mission is simple. At AYICAW we want to secure the environment and circumstances
necessary to ensure that every child fulfils his/her right to holistic education.
Nigeria has the highest number of Out-of-school children in the world!
AYICAW contributes to increasing literacy rate in Nigeria by providing:
⦁ Educational support schemes like scholarships for the most vulnerable children
⦁ Peer-to-peer reading and literacy clubs
⦁ Capacity and technical support for Community and state libraries
In the ever changing and dynamic world, AYICAW wants every Nigerian child to remain relevant and
impact the global society while staying true to their dreams and visions. We do this by providing:
⦁ Financial education
⦁ Capacity building for counsellors
⦁ Career guidance counselling for JSS3 and SS3 students
⦁ Test and Assessment of personalities, skill set and proficiencies
⦁ General counselling and psychological support
⦁ Resource on relevant, dynamic and futuristic career paths.
AYICAW advocates to government and other relevant and key stakeholders on holistic and inclusive education as regards to policy formulation and implementation and to ensure that education is properly represented in National and subnational budgetary plans and allocations.
If you want to go fast, go it alone. If you want to go long, go together.
It takes a village to raise a child.
⦁ African proverbs
AYICAW believes in strong partnerships for sustainable growth and progress. Partnerships that will provide the safe healthy environment every child needs to flourish so we establish strong collaboration and referral systems with relevant CSOs, FBOs, CBOs, NGOs etc.…
As an organization, we seek to protect, heal and promote the welfare and wellbeing of Nigerian children. We vehemently disagree and oppose all forms of harm to children and other vulnerable populations. As such, every member of our team undergoes safeguarding training and we establish means of reporting any forms of exploitation or abuse in the schools and communities we work with by anonymous safeguarding champions and open call lines. To file a complaint